Re-purposing Perfection
It’s been three months since lockdown. We have been forced into realigning our entire being, right from mindset to day to day activities to our future plans. I am sure it has made an impact on all kinds of people, but the type A personalities, the ones who thrive on their achievements, the ones who make things happen and don’t wait for everything to fall in place, those ones that I can relate to have undergone or are still in the process of a paradigm shift.
For the ones who would never stop, who did not know how to not have solution, who thrive on the people they work with and see everything from the outcome first, these last few months have been an eye opener. While we take pride in being all of this, there are different plans in store, from the looks of it. We always know its not the right way to be, neither for us nor for our loved ones around us who once in a while do always tell us to stop and enjoy the view, but we choose otherwise because that’s how we think is our natural self. And if you have a comrade to the kind of person you are, especially at workplace, o man it can be a living hell for a lot of people around you. I had one in my boss in the previous company, and while we drove revenues for the place, it drove us out of the company too.
The biggest takeaway from this global pandemic — the art of reflection! While all my actions are well thought out, they aren’t sliced and diced, because I want to get to the final result fast. So while these last few months got me thinking on lot of angles, today’s thought on how my last job was and what can I do to make the outcomes of my decisions better, sits on top.
As a go-getter I was racing towards outcomes and ensuring everything was perfect, or at least close to it. In the Business Coaching domain, with over five coaches and fifty clients, we got a BD person only two years after the program took off. Should have done it sooner yes, but even when I did get him in, should have handheld him longer, and most importantly, not stopped my side of the BD work. While the other coaches goofed up and did not really contribute much to the clients, my boss was at the forefront of saving everything instead of us realising that it probably did not matter much to the clients at that point in time. We were trying to perfect everything, the hiring decision, the person who comes on board, the process of coaching and who does it. And while doing all this we were losing sight or at least not being able to move in the pace that we really wanted to.
About how I would do things differently now, I would rather not wait for everything perfect to come in place. Instead I would get everything in place, and then give it all the time and nurturing to make it perfect. Inside out is the approach that works mostly, and now even more so as I realise we move towards a more individualistic form of working along with virtual collaboration. This is my definition of re-purposing perfection, where we don’t just vie for everything to be perfect, but we get all resources at one place, and make them perfect for the environment that is.
My next phase of the professional world is going to be remarkable, as I ready myself to shrug off the doubts and carve my leadership capabilities to the fullest. I don’t have a job or venture yet, but one thing is certain, I am going to operate with full authenticity and ensure the best of me is put out there to create the impact which I have been prepping myself up for.