Of Kamala’s and Joe’s in Every Organisation



Its amazing how the world has responded to this fresh, new and exciting development of US president elections. Big big congratulations to this wonderful duo and team who will now steer the world towards something better hopefully!

What’s been most delightful is how both Kamala and Joe worked together tirelessly for a purpose which they knew is beyond themselves. Not just for their campaigns, but it has been visible in their work, their conduct and most importantly the impact of the previous dealings.

And what comes to my mind is the fact that such a pair almost always exists in a lot of organisations where one is the leader, and another is the maker, where one is the visionary and another the executor, where one is the doer and another the perspective. Kamala has articulate it very well, her promise to Joe to always give him a perspective whether he needs it or not, as her primary role in VPship. How brilliant is that, when the purpose becomes so big that the number of entities don’t matter. They don’t add up but only multiply!

The scale of imagination and the ripples that every action sends through is so boundaryless then. It flows from one thing to another, and soon there are forces joining you without much effort. Power is something we all enjoy, but the effect it has on those around you is the real test. Let us together acknowledge and instill the power within us, to dream big and actually accomplish great things!



Akankasha Singh
Akankasha Singh

Written by Akankasha Singh

Writer|Entrepreneur|Experiences Junkie|Marketing Aficionado|Foodster|Passion8@bout: Businesses|New Forms of Thinking|People Who Walk the Talk|Mesmerising Ideas

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